Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How i surprise myself...!

I am so ready to quit my job for i strongly feel i have found new directions... One of which is COOKING... i never ever ever thought i'd say these words.. and its not that i have started to cook but i am suddenly in luv with the thought of cooking... specially baking.. i have in my life of 25 years have only baked once.. zeera cookies that turned too dry. I have cooked desi food many times (back in 2004/2005), but i cant say i am a good cook. I just never enjoyed cooking.

khair the point is i want to cook... but i need time for that... and that i can only get if i leave this job... the cook on weekend suggestion wont work... coz i hardly move on weekends so no thank you i will not like to change this routine... i think realistically thinking i might not stay in luv with cooking forever so i have caved for myself a few grand plans... a few projects that a house wife can take up. not that i am one but i do plan to get married and leave my job (family first :)). they seem achievable... abhe tak tu... So i have figured out that life does not end if you quit a 9-5 (in my profession way over 5) job and take up small activities... of course you wont earn enough money (lets be real, business rewards much later then u expect and sometimes never)... but it seems worth a try...

for this change of heart, i owe totally to this site:

the photographs are so tempting... i sold

the end...

Monday, October 20, 2008

The little things that leave a mark forever...!

- Saw an old man buy a wooden walking stick... the money that he counted out was in ten's, and seemed like they had been saved for this purpose specifically. He kept looking at the stick as if deciding if it was the right one. Confirmed again from the shopkeeper about the wood type... His eyes had a forlorn expression, the way he looked at the stick, it touched me, he seemed sad... Finally he put the stick down, shifted his frail body's weight on it and walked on. The new phase in his life began right there. He bought himself a new companion which from then on will accompany him forever.

- Went to Rahat bakery twice over the weekend and saw toddlers driving their parents CRAZY... mostly fathers, who appeared to be unusually calm about it all... Felt like shaking a few and get some sense into them.

- Across the road a pehlwaan (wearing dhotti and kurta with long mustaches)was pulling the rope at the end of which was big fat sheep who refused to budge... the tug a war was hella funny...

- A motorcyclist slowed down to hold the hand of a cyclist and then drag him along, saving the cyclist from paddling for a few minutes... there are still some considerate people left in this world :)

--- the little things that make you smile :)